
Gangland Sweden was started in Småland County. G.L expanded in prisons and forensic psychiatry when members where doing time they recruited and those who got out started up in different locations. The expansions according to us was mostly on the inside! There has been changes in the leadership and members today 2024! We have 2 chapters in Sweden (We take no political stand ore religious part we all have different backrounds and opinions) But we as a brotherhood stand for loyalty honour respect and we back each other up
(G.L was started 2012
if you have any questions just talk to us ore e-mail us! 

if you whant something taken on/off our website/sites contact us.


We update our sites daily and check for bugs so if it does not add up you know why we change passwords and have high security but for some reasons we get complications very often

Gangland Sweden
Nomad chapter 187
G.L - Support 

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